Saturday, July 14, 2007


"Sixes and the One Eyed King" will screen at Colorado's Boulder Asian Film Festival on Aug. 17. A link to festival information is on the Boulder Asian Pacific Alliance web site, I went through this area last year on my way to visit family in Kansas, and it's beautiful. I'm pleased that we're part of the festival's opening night.

I'm helping with the Rogue Independent Film Festival. The web site is I think it will be a good opportunity to see a festival from the inside out. I'm excited about helping to bring filmmakers to Grants Pass in October.

I've also started attending development meetings for another feature film. One of my goals is to get more production experience. I like the idea of help to bring things together.

Sunday, July 08, 2007


I was editing a manuscript while waiting for The Moody Blues concert to begin at Britt Festivals when the guy sitting next to me asked if I was a student. At first, I was pretty delighted to be mistaken for a college student, especially after having recently endured a birthday. Then I realized I was wearing a University of Gallifrey T-shirt. It’s a fictional place from the television show “Doctor Who.“

I bought the shirt a few years ago, having longed for one when I watched it in high school but didn’t have the money to contribute to the PBS fund drive. A necklace with a replica of a key to the TARDIS required an even bigger donation. I was going through some old videotapes and came across the episodes I’d recorded. I tried to hunt down a shirt to buy, something that looked like it could belong to a regular university. I wanted a subtle way of paying tribute to the show, like the Thor’s Hammer necklace a friend gave me that’s a reference to our mutual Stargate SG-1 appreciation. This was before the new version of Doctor Who inspired a fresh supply of merchandise, and I couldn’t find one I wanted. However, a company I contacted liked the idea and designed the one I own.

On my way to the bathroom, shortly before the concert began, I passed a guy who spotted the T-shirt and gave me a knowing nod and smile. I liked that brief connection, that tapping into a communal fictional experience. I’d like to be able to create that sort of platform for people. Inspire connections, invisible links drawn by shared enjoyment. Like singing along with others at a concert under the stars.