Saturday, November 04, 2006

"The Unintended Mongrel" is born

I've launched into National Novel Writing Month. It's been difficult to be fast and creative after work, but I'm making pretty good progress this weekend. I've posted the beginning of the first chapter of "The Unintended Mongrel" on the National Novel Writing Month page, and I thought I'd also post it here. Keep in mind that this is a draft, written quickly.

[content removed]

1 comment:

Celtic Crossroads said...

Wonderful story. I was caught from the moment you mentioned the dog in the cage. Keep on writing!!! I think this will be the best yet! I loved your mystery and re-read it from time to time.

I told you that you're an excellent writer. I can really see you're even better than excellent with this forthcoming novel.

Did the One-Eyed Kings make it at the Movie festival?

Miss you... Happyy Holidays, Patricia!
