Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy Old Year!

New Year’s Eve. I’ll soon be slipping into a party dress and bidding farewell to 2006 at the Larsens’ house with alcohol and some mocha meringues, which are currently meringueing in the oven. They have zero fat and cholesterol, which is important these days.

My 2007 should provide some interesting experiences. Inspired by a member of my writing group, I’ve decided to spent the first part of the year being open to opportunities that present themselves. My Great Opportunity Experiment has some guidelines, but it’s basically an increased awareness of and openness to whatever comes along. I told my writing group that I’d blog about it. This isn’t really a New Year’s resolution; Jan. 1 was just a convenient time to start it.

Speaking of things that come along, one opportunity I don’t expect this evening is that elusive New Year’s Eve Kiss. It’s a great tradition if you have someone to lock lips with, but the lockless ones are again reminded of their single status. I’m of the opinion that it really only counts if you go into the night with someone by your side, as sharing a smacking wish for a year’s worth of luck with a guy you’ve just met doesn’t quite carry the romance I’m seeking. There’s no sense that the guy will be around to see whether the good luck actually happens in the coming year. I’d make an exception if I should run into that even more elusive Soul Mate, if he exists. Which is really what “The Unintended Mongrel” is about. So, in honor of those who will stand awkwardly and pretend to be OK with not smooching following shouts of “Happy New Year,” I’m posting an excerpt from the draft of Chapter 5. I’ve now written 18,493 words. That’s about 61 pages, double-spaced.

"The Unintended Mongrel" excerpt

[content removed]

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