Hounded by horror
One technique I’ve used in writing is to think about a story prior to going to sleep. I find that my sleeping mind develops very creative solutions. However, now that I’m writing horror, I’ve found that I can’t do that. I creep myself out and give myself nightmares. It’s silly for a woman my age to hide under the covers, wondering what “that noise” was, but that’s the curse of living with a vivid imagination. I’m excited about writing in the horror genre. I never really considered it “my” genre, especially because of the whole getting-scared-easily issue. However, I’m drawing on my own experiences to see what is frightening and why, and I’m learning a lot as I study other work in the genre.
I hope to finish scene cards this week. I used to really resist the idea of writing scenes on 3X5 cards and then plotting out the story. I thought it made me more creative to just sit down and start writing. Once I gave scene cards a serious try, I saw how valuable they are to help craft the story and not waste time meandering through it. It’s kind of like a cell phone. I resisted getting one for a long time because I didn’t want to be “chained to technology.” Now, I appreciate having it as a tool to keep in touch when I want. If I don’t want to be reachable, I can simply turn it off. It has taken me some time to see these things as tools rather than as burdens. Learning to employ scene cards simply added to my options as a writer. I still freewrite at times, but it, too, is a tool for the process than a mandate for creativity.
Another advantage to scene cards is that they're highly portable. I worked on them while waiting for a Chicago concert this week. It was a great concert, and with amazing guitarist Preston Reed as an opener. Live music provides refreshment to the soul. I’m headed out this afternoon to hear some local performers as well as to hopefully find some new fall clothing. Provided the stores aren’t to crazy with back-to-school shoppers. I might fight my way through them for some cool pens or spiffy notebooks. I still love buying school supplies.
The Bluegrass Independent Film Festival schedule is up. “Sixes and the One Eyed King” will play this coming Saturday in Kentucky. Ray and Scott Ford are headed back for it; I wish I could be there. Who are Ray and Scott Ford? We’re still waiting to hear from other film festivals, but we have distributors showing at least some interest.