Friday, September 15, 2006

I got cool news today. “Sixes and the One Eyed King,” won the Audience Appreciation Award at the Bluegrass Independent Film Festival. This is our second festival, and I’m pretty pleased that we were able to win an audience, especially when I compare the experience of our cast and crew to those on some of the other films. It makes me even more excited to work on other projects. Success is a wonderful motivator.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Thought of the day

"Gradually by writing you will learn more and more to be free, to say all you think; and at the same time you will learn never to lie to yourself, never to pretend and attitudinize. But only by writing and by long, patient, serious work will you find your true self. And why find it? Because it is, I think, your immortal soul and the life of the Spirit, and if we can only free it and respect it and not run it down, and let it move and work, it is the way to be happier and greater."
-- Brenda Ueland, "If You Want to Write"