I've done a bit of update to the site, adding a soul mates poll related to "The Unintended Stray." I like "stray" over "mongrel" because mongrel implies ill breeding more than a lack of fitting in. It's about parentage more than position. "Stray" can result from one's own choices, while "mongrel" results from an accident of birth. I want her to feel like she doesn't fit in, but I there's a certain way that she doesn't fit in and reasons behind it. While some of them are tied to her parents and their differences, that isn't the sum of her problems.
One involvement lately has been in helping to organize Southern Oregon Film and Television, a nonprofit industry group hoping to promote productions in this area. The website is now up and running, and I've added that link. http://www.filmsouthernoregon.org/ Check it out. I'm on the board, but that pretty much means that I'm doing extra work. Some things are worth effort.
Speaking of effort, a library opened in Grants Pass in December after being closed for a year and a half. I'm so proud of the efforts of Josephine Community Libraries http://www.josephinelibrary.org/. It's been an education to help bring this organization together and convince people to support a brand new nonprofit taking on a service normally provided by government. I'm working on a documentary about the situation. I've completed shooting it and now begins the long editing process. I've never attempted anything this long; my goal is for it to end up about 30 minutes long overall. I wish my technical skills were better and that I had my own equipment rather than borrowing it from the regional public access station. It seemed interesting enough to me to put in the effort without the likelihood of reward beyond the fulfillment of creation. Again, some things are worth effort.
I've worked on a couple of webisodes over the past few months. I was casting director for "Search for a Vampire" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQYEX4dcjFE and in charge of continuity for "The Hightowers." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPbNOAUSSfU
The 2008 Bend Film Festival was fun but very cold. Congratulations to Marlyn Mason, who picked up the Best Actress award.