Saturday, May 05, 2007


On Monday, KAJO radio aired Mike Arthur's interview with Ray and I about “Sixes and the One Eyed King” and other Bison Motion Pictures projects. I combined it with a slideshow of behind-the-scenes and festival photos and put it on YouTube. This being my first radio interview, I was pretty nervous. It wasn’t nearly as painful as I feared, although I could certainly stand to improve my speaking skills. This is also my first thing uploaded to YouTube, which I enjoy quite a bit. The new trailer is up there, this one in color.

“The Unintended Mongrel” word count is up to 28,311. It was especially helpful to hold a retreat with my writing group. What a treat to devote a weekend to writing, talking about writing and generally connecting with people. While I enjoy spending time alone, it can be lonely to labor away on a project in solitude.