I saw some really wonderful short films, ones that made me eager to see what the filmmakers will do in the future. James E. Hurd Jr.'s "Poet of the Swingin' Blade" about turpentiners in the 1930s is one of them. It was some beautiful writing from James and Linda Bannister. Here, James is at the right of Scott Ford. They said they were looking to put the story on stage, and I immediately thought of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.
Mason Farish, at left, created "On My Way to Pele," which gave me a chance to see parts of Hawaii I didn't get to experience while I was there, and it sure encouraged me to want to return! It also gave me a lot to think about in terms of storytelling from a sense of place that combines images and narrative.
A nice aspect of the festival was a morning chat led by Film Commissioner John Mason. It was a small, informal group, but it was a chance to talk about film and experiences from a practical standpoint. With so many films and things to do, it was nice to slow things down a bit and chat over coffee. He mentioned the range of locations on the Big Island, and he was sure right! If I had the opportunity, I do think I would go to Hawaii to film, or even to write. The Big Island Film Office has a list of movies shot there on its web site, www.filmbigisland.com, and I'll have to check some of them out. John is the tallest guy in the photo below, along with (from left) Scott, Pat, Ray and I.
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